SIOS Knowledge Centre and the SIOS Remote Sensing Working Group invites abstracts from the Svalbard science community working on applications using Earth Observation (EO), Remote Sensing (RS), and Geoinformation (GI).
- When? 12-14 October 2022
- Where? Online
- Abstract submission deadline: 12 Sept. 2022
- Registration: Register HERE free of charge but mandatory; Once registered, you will receive joining instructions for Zoom platform.
We are pleased to announce this years' conference on Earth observation and Remote Sensing applications in Svalbard. The conference aims to
- to promote the work of PhD students, postdocs, researchers, senior scientists, and academics who are actively contributing to the science of Svalbard
- review the state-of-the-art EO and RS applications in Svalbard
This online conference will attract EO/RS/GI based contributions from projects supported by the SIOS research infrastructure access programme, relevant studies from the State of Environmental Science in Svalbard reports (2019, 2020, and 2021), outcomes from the SIOS multidisciplinary snow workshop, relevant projects supported by Norwegian Space Agency and Research Council of Norway under the SIOS-InfraNor initiative, applications based on airborne data derived from the SIOS-NORCE research aircraft, relevant follow-up studies presented in Svalbard Science Conference 2021, related studies from Ny-Ålesund Flagship programmes, EO/RS/ based projects from the Research in Svalbard (RiS) portal of Svalbard Science Forum, outcomes from national and international projects such as cryosphere virtual lab, regional and Svalbard-wide remote sensing activities being conducted at SIOS infrastructures by its member institutes and of course wider international scientific research community working in Svalbard.