The Arctic Council Ministerial took place this morning in Reykjavík,Iceland, where the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) Working Group released a broad range of reports and products developed over the last two years, At this meeting Finland also takes over the Chairmanship of CAFF from Sweden for 2021-2023 

All this material can be found on the following webpage: and some highlights include the:

  • State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Report (START) which provides the most comprehensive circumpolar synthesis to date about biodiversity on Arctic lands. Hundreds of experts from across the Arctic produced the report under the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP):  
  • Resilience & Management of Arctic Wetlands (RAW) report delivered a suite of recommendations to protect and sustain Arctic wetlands--globally important wildlife habitats that store massive amounts of carbon and provide vital ecosystem services and are increasingly at risk from climate change and human disturbance:
  • Arctic Youth Engagement Strategy 2021-2026: A 6 year strategy designed to advance the goals of CAFF in the conservation of Arctic biodiversity, international collaboration, and raising public awareness of Arctic issues:

A range of other reports deal with: Status and Trends of  the Arctics Marine Biodiversity; Actions to mainstreaming biodiversity concerns in Arctic MiningConservation of Arctic Migratory BirdsPlastics and seabirdsConservation strategies a new Strategy for circumpolar biodiversity monitoring; and a range of other reports and products

Please let us know if ye have questions to any of the reports released by CAFF at the Ministerial

Thanks to all who have worked with CAFF over the last two years and we look forward to working with ye during the Russian Chairmanship of the Arctic Council

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