The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) was an international, interdisciplinary Arctic scientific expedition that drifted across the central Arctic from autumn 2019 to autumn 2020. About 3 years after the MOSAiC expedition thousands of datasets are publicly available, more than 100 scientific publications are published and many more are in progress. Various groups and science communities are working in the MOSAiC context and scientific questions are increasingly treated in an interdisciplinary way. This approach needs active scientific exchange and discussions ideally framed by comprehensive meetings.
The third MOSAiC science conference will set the stage for scientific exchange and ongoing activities and networking with other groups beyond the existing collaborations. New colleagues and communities are welcome and experts are invited to bring in their expertise. For more details check the Program and the Sessions. Abstracts can be submitted within the Abstracts tab.

Key Dates: 

Abstract submission due: 7 December 2023  
ECR travel support form due: 7 December 2023 ECR application form
Scientific program release: December 2023  
Registration open: December 2023  
Scientific Shark Tank proposal due: 15 January 2024 SST application form
Registration due: 1 February 2024
Conference: 26 February to 01 March 2024


The First International MOSAiC Science Conference took place in Potsdam, Germany. It was the first meeting of the MOSAiC community after the expedition and was an important milestone to coordinate the legacy of MOSAiC. The Second International MOSAiC Science Conference were held on the University Campus in Boulder, USA. It was a milestone to expand the MOSAiC science community under the motto: Cross-cutting Science to Advance Modeling Capabilities. The Third International MOSAiC Science Conference is a request from the MOSAiC community and an important intermediate step in the: Transition to Sustained Arctic System Science.

Group picture from the 1. International MOSAiC Science conference in 2022 in Potsdam, Germany (Picture: Bettina Borgfeld) Group picture from the 2. International MOSAiC Science conference in 2023 in Boulder, Colorado, USA (Picture: Lianna Nixon)


More info: MOSAiC Conference Website

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