SharedVoice2017The University of the Arctic (UArctic), IASC's formal partner since 2011, has just released the latest issue of "Shared Voices," an annual magazine highlighting their activities, members, and broader issues in the Circumpolar North.

IASC President Susan Barr and IASC Vice President Larry Hinzman contributed to this year's publication with their article "Maintaining Dialogue and Building Capacity – IASC in the Future." "A primary function of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) has always been to help researchers to identify the strategic priorities and the collaborative investments required to address the gaps in our understanding of the Arctic," Barr and Hinzman write, "Perhaps the best way to envision the future role of IASC is to look at our past. As we have already proven many times, coordination and collaboration among researchers, funding agencies and scientific organizations leads to greater achievements for all, enhanced well-being for Arctic residents and greater understanding of this important part of our planet." Read the full article here.

Odd Rogne, former Executive Secretary of IASC, also contributed an article on "The Arctic Heritage – A Contribution from IASC to Developing a Broad Arctic Cooperation."

"Shared Voices" has been published yearly since 2007, and all issues are available for free download.

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