The Polar Research Board (PRB) is seeking to appoint an Alternate U.S. Delegate that will be responsible for assisting the current Lead Delegate (Dr. Matthew Druckenmiller, National Snow and Ice Data Center) with the various tasks and responsibilities that are required.
The nominee must be willing to actively engage in regular and frequent outreach, coordination, and two-way communication between the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) delegation and the broader Arctic research community, including through the online Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Collaborations platform. The term of appointment is four years, with the option of one partial or full reappointment. Nominees must have appropriate disciplinary expertise, current relevant scientific activity, be active in effectively communicating across disciplines within the Arctic scientific community, and have a demonstrated ability to function in a collaborative, international setting. The nominee must have the time and energy to take a leadership role and is expected to attend meetings (including annual Arctic Science Summit Week and U.S. Delegation meetings) as an active participant and representative of the broader Arctic research community. The nominee should also be actively engaged in IASC activities and outreach to their communities in between meetings and must stay in close communication with the PRB, relevant federal agencies, and the science community.
Nominations from all Arctic scientific disciplines and research areas are welcome. PRB also welcomes nominations of Indigenous representatives and those who are active in Arctic Indigenous-led research.
The Polar Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine serves as the U.S. National Committee to the IASC, a non-governmental, international scientific organization that promotes and facilitates cooperation in all aspects of Arctic research. In this role, the PRB is responsible for the selection of the U.S. Delegate, Alternate Delegate, and two members to each of the Working Groups (WGs): atmosphere, cryosphere, marine, social and human, and terrestrial. The PRB also periodically appoints a U.S. representative to the Arctic Data Committee (ADC). The overarching purpose of the ADC is to promote and facilitate international collaboration towards the goal of free, ethically open, sustained and timely access to Arctic data through useful, usable, and interoperable systems. The PRB welcomes suggestions for appropriate candidates for the U.S. representative. Appointees should be experts in their field, ideally with an international reputation. As a whole, the ADC seeks to represent different disciplines, experiences, and backgrounds such that the full range of Arctic research is represented. More information is available online.
The National Academies are committed to enhancing diversity and inclusion in order to strengthen the quality of our work. Diverse perspectives contribute to finding innovative approaches and solutions to challenging issues. The PRB encourages the nomination of volunteers who reflect the populations they serve and also welcome in particular nominations of candidates from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, women, and early- and mid-career professionals.
Nominations for either role can be submitted to Lauren Everett via email at Self-nominations are welcome.
Nomination deadline: 13 January 2021
For more information and questions, contact:
Lauren Everett