SIOS Knowledge Centre (SIOS), Association of Polar Early Career Scientists Canada (APECS Canada), Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) and University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) invite the Arctic science community to submit abstracts for the session "Diversity, equity, inclusion and field safety: an Arctic perspective", which will be held at ASSW2022.
The session on "Diversity, equity, inclusion and field safety: an Arctic perspective" will be an arena for information exchange concerning how diversity, equity, and inclusion relates to field safety in cold and remote environments. Failing to consider the individual needs of a diverse workforce can act as a barrier to the full participation of women and underrepresented groups in Arctic research and operations, and in the worst case can discourage young professionals from pursuing these careers altogether. This session will showcase examples of good practice that has been implemented and identify actions that can be taken by institutions that are responsible for the safety of their students and employees. We hope that Arctic workers from as wide a range of backgrounds and identities as possible participate to ensure a fruitful and lively discussion.
The deadline to submit your abstract is Sunday 30 January 2022 at 18:00 CET; chosen speakers will be notified by 4 February 2022.