Final Report

A session on "Long-term Perspectives of Social-Ecological Systems" took place on 24 of May 2019 within the Arctic Science Summit Week held in Arkhangelsk on 22-30 May 2019. The session aimed at exploring of how communities and stakeholders deal with combined challenges from climate change, political, economic and resource pressures, changes to the global order and new social-cultural realities and what the future might hold for the Arctic.

The session brought together six scholars from various disciplines focusing on social-ecological systems, the interaction of society and place, and the future social-ecological change scenarios. The presentations contributed to the understanding of human introduction of invasive species, vulnerability of social-ecological systems to global change, food insecurity, climate change as well as economic and social changes, and indigenous knowledge across different Arctic regions, including Alaska, Canada, Russian Lapland and Siberia.



  • Arctic social-ecological systems face drastic challenges and an extensive interdisciplinary assessment is required.
  • To assess social-ecological systems not only research data is necessary, but also consideration of indigenous knowledge is essential.
  • A joint special issue in a peer-reviewed journal might be published in the future.


Date and Location: 

24 May 2019 | Arkhangelsk (Russia)


IASC Working Group / Committees funding the Project:


Project Lead

Andrey Petrov


Year funded by IASC



Project Status





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