Final Report

The Polar Regions are undergoing rapid environmental, socio-cultural and economic transformation. Monitoring current change and anticipating future developments are becoming more critical than ever. This session aimed at exploring how polar communities and stakeholders deal with the combined challenges from climate change, political, economic and resource pressures, changes to the global order and new socio-cultural realities and what the future might hold for the Polar Regions. We recognize the opportunities presented by integrated interdisciplinary approaches developed within the biophysical, social, humanities and arts scholarship and invite researchers with interest in socio-ecological systems, the interaction of society and place, or in exploring the futures in a methodological or even speculative manner to contribute to this session.



  • Social-ecological systems approach is well positioned to improve understanding Arctic change.
  • An interdisciplinary focus on a long-term dynamics is both effective for unpacking ongoing and future changes and necessary for identifying long-term resilience, adaptive capacities and sustainability in SES.
  • Arctic communities are coping with rapid, formidable and often irreversible environmental and social changes that fundamentally affect human-environmental relationships and social systems.
  • Engagement of the Indigenous knowledge is critical for understanding socio-ecological dynamics at different time scales.


Presented Papers

  • Resilience and sustainable development approaches integration for(in) long-term sustainability monitoring in the Arctic (Tatiana Vlasova)
  • Navigating the New Arctic: Trajectories of Change (Amanda Lynch)
  • Coproducing Knowledge for Ocean Acidification Governance (Halvor Dannevig)
  • Politics of Postcoloniality and Sustainability in the Arctic (Ulrik Pram Gad)
  • Ground-scale Socioecological Interactions and Arctic Environmental Governance (Nadia French)
  • How Does Change Actually Affect Arctic Communities? (Henry Huntington)
  • An Arctic Village Facing New Socio-economic Transformations: Teriberka, Russia (Gleb Kraev)
  • Socio-economic Changes in Mining Communities of Murmansk Region, Arctic Russia (Yulia Zaika)


Date and Location: 

19 - 23 June 2018 | Davos (Switzerland)


IASC Working Group / Committees funding the Project:


Project Lead

Andrey Petrov, Tatiana Vlasova


Year funded by IASC



Project Status





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