wgsWhat do IASC Working Groups do?
IASC Working Groups are the scientific core elements of IASC: they exchange information; discuss problems, methods and research directions; and identify opportunities for cooperation. IASC Working Groups encourage and support science-led international programs by offering opportunities for planning and coordination and by facilitating communication and access to facilities.
IASC Working Groups supported a wide range of activities In 2017, for example: MOSAiC Implementation Workshop, The Frozen-Ground Cartoon, Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS) Open Science Meeting, Understanding Peace in the Arctic, and Snow Science Winter School. Each Working Group has also published their Work Plans, so you can see what priorities for IASC are in the coming years.

IASC Working Groups and You
Working Groups are your reference points if you have any scientific proposal/activity in mind. Working Groups can co-fund activities (like workshops, seminars, or conferences) that are particularly relavant for achieving their research priorities, promote Arctic scientific cooperation, and foster a greater scientific understanding of the Arctic region and its role in the Earth system. You do NOT have to be a working group member to get Working Group funding! And if you are an early career scientist, keep in mind that there is a possibility for you to get funding to work closer with IASC Working Groups: become an IASC Fellow!

Who are the Working Group members?
Each Working Group is composed of up to two scientists from each IASC member country, appointed by the national adhering bodies. The members are experts in their field, with an international reputation, and from different scientific disciplines so that the full range of Arctic research is represented in the Working Groups.

How do I get in contact with the Working Groups?
The very first step is to identify which Working Group(s) fit(s) your interests and research. If you are in doubt, go to the IASC website and read the Working Groups’ descriptions and research foci. If your country is an IASC member, then the easiest thing to do is to get in contact directly with the national member of the Working Group(s) of your interest. Working Group members (and their contacts) are listed on to the website.
Alternatively, you may get in touch directly with a Working Group chair, vice chairs, or secretaries.
Also, make sure that you are signed up for IASC mailing list to get the latest IASC news and information – you can also update your working group preference(s) there!

And of course, if still in doubt, contact the IASC Secretariat.

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